Ah, back to Monday again. How does a week go so fast?
And this looks like another busy one. They say time goes faster for the elderly. They also say you’re busier after retirement than when you were working. Both are true. I’m not elderly but I certainly am busier. I can pack a lot into a day.
And I love checklists. They keep me focused and, well, driven. OCD? That’s me.
Besides that, it’s such a feeling of accomplishment when you check off something on the list. And if you forget to add something you’ve already done, by all means add it to the list, simply because now you can check it off.
I had a therapist once (yep, everyone needs one) tell me, addressing my obsession with to-do lists at work, to not look at it as an absolute, must-get-through-all-this-today or else, but to think of it as a menu. One where you select items, one at a time, to accomplish.
It was good advice. It makes it much more pleasant to go about your tasks as you’ve chosen what to do. And some things can wait and some simply don’t need to be done at all!
What’s on my checklist/menu for today?
Bake cupcakes. It rhymes with Monday.
Thanks for the visit today and for reading my ramblings.