The summer series is called, Harmony in the Park. For a couple of hours, the day's cares and stresses are forgotten.
An evening breeze wafts through the park. Children don't need to be hushed. Young and old, physically or mentally-challenged, all belong. Community is connected.
The musical offerings are diverse. From Elvis himselvis, to the St. Croix Symphony Orchestra, to bluegrass, New Orleans jazz, Irish dancers, and clogging, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

My friend, Lenore, does beautiful watercolors. She brought a sample for last night's display. She converts some of her paintings into greeting cards which are always popular, and an affordable purchase.
There's always an ice cream wagon selling treats. Last night, the Lions Club sponsored a "corn feed."
I was born and raised in the city. I never heard of a "corn feed" before. After twenty years living in lake country, 45 miles from the city, I still chuckle at small town life. But I have adopted it for my own. And so I participate in all it has to offer.
Last night's concert featured a group performing songs from the Beatles. The park was packed. You bring your own folding chair, or there are benches to sit on as well. If the spirit moves you, you get up and dance to the music. From folks in their 90s to little tots, everyone is enjoying the spirit of community.

Life's simple pleasures. What a treasure.