Only one thing I can think of: making the waffles with your three-year old granddaughter.

On her kitchen stool, she lovingly adds the egg, milk and oil to the Bisquick mix and stirs until just right.
Then she listens for the beep of the waffle iron to tell her it's ready, and scoops out the perfect amount of batter into the hot iron.
She knows the next beep will tell her the waffle is done. Ava always gets the very first waffle, but doesn't sit down to eat it until she starts the second waffle.
That one is for Grandpa.

Then Grandma makes the next one and joins the breakfast table.
Mmmmm...I tell you, there's nothing better than Ava's homemade 'affles!
Well, unless it's the hug and kiss that comes with it.