Monday, June 10, 2024

A smart bear

I love these lessons from Bear ๐Ÿป and Rabbit. ๐Ÿ‡ 

“It’s time to go,” said Bear.
“But where are we going?” asked Rabbit.
“Forward,” said Bear, 
“We can’t stay here anymore.”

“So much has happened here, though. I don’t know 
that I can move on,” said Rabbit.
“You can stay if you want,” said Bear.
“But life won’t wait with you.”

“It won’t?” asked Rabbit.
“No,” said Bear. Besides, up ahead
there may be something wonderful.”
“You think so?” asked Rabbit.
“I think,” said Bear, if you stay here,
you’ll never know.”

It’s so much easier for me to remain where I am. So much more comfortable and yes, familiar. It might not be perfect but at least I  know what to expect most of the time.

But life doesn’t let you do that for very long. Something beyond your control happens and it forces a change. I resist. I dig my heels in until I finally realize I’m powerless to change the situation. 

Something strange happens once reality and acceptance kicks in.

I begin to see possibilities. I take a small step. Opportunities present themselves, most of them I’d never have imagined. I give in and take another step, bigger this time. 

When my husband died, joy and hope for the future were lost for me. It was hard to see a life ahead. Hard to imagine life could even go on. Like Rabbit, so much sadness and so many memories had me stuck. And I guess I could have stayed there as that was certainly a choice.

Time began to be a bit kinder to me as one day passed into the next and the next and the next. I began to think something wonderful just might, just could, just may happen.

End of story: I was right.
Beginning of story: I was right.

Bear is so smart.