The 4th of July in our country is traditionally celebrated with large family and friends' picnics, grilling hot dogs and feasting on potato salad, baked beans and plenty of lemonade and desserts. This is a day of fun, laughter and relaxation, perhaps a get-away to the lake for boat riding and tubing. Taking in the local parade, kids catching the candy thrown by the various floats, politicians shaking hands, handing out flyers, firetrucks all polished and blaring their horns and sirens as children cover their ears.
Evenings are the best part. Elaborate fireworks are enjoyed complete with ooohs and aaahs as the colorful flashes light up the sky as you sit on a blanket or a lawn chair at the local park (as mosquitos feast on your body, if you live in Minnesota). You might come back home to build a small fire and roast marshmallows for S'mores.
Gooey marshmallows lightly browned over the fire, then pressed over a Hershey bar on half of a graham cracker, then covered by the other graham cracker half. Is there anything better in the whole world? I say no.
Or following the day's activities, you just fall into bed exhausted but happy at all the fun enjoyed.
Well, not this year.
We're left with memories of 4th of July festivities of bygone years. Actually, only last year.
This year, like most summer activities we're accustomed to, Independence Day is going largely unnoticed, uncelebrated and sadly quiet. Oh, there are a few things going on with small family gatherings, a few lakes are sporting boat parades, or perhaps if you're lucky enough to have a firepit, some weenie and marshmallow roasts.
But very unlike all other years, we have not heard even a single firecracker go off in our neighborhood. Although those with pets are happy, we are missing even the annoying pop-pop sound of amateur fireworks, sparklers and firecrackers going off into the night as we attempt to sleep. For days before. Tonight I would welcome the sound.
We're all missing our local concerts in the park, day camps, town festivals and even joining our neighbors on their porch swing. We wonder when this will end.
But I hope you are finding even some small way to celebrate today. America is still celebration-worthy, despite the corona virus closing everything down and the violence headlining the evening news. Many have fought for the freedom we enjoy to celebrate, or not celebrate, the way we choose. Many don't have the same privilege.
As for us, we are content to be in our air conditioned house in this hot and humid day. Doing whatever we choose to do. For me, that means a luxurious day of cross-stitching. For hubby, a nice afternoon nap. Something on the grill for dinner. Ice cream topped with fresh strawberries.
Happy Independence Day to you, whatever your day brings!🎇
Or following the day's activities, you just fall into bed exhausted but happy at all the fun enjoyed.
Well, not this year.
We're left with memories of 4th of July festivities of bygone years. Actually, only last year.
This year, like most summer activities we're accustomed to, Independence Day is going largely unnoticed, uncelebrated and sadly quiet. Oh, there are a few things going on with small family gatherings, a few lakes are sporting boat parades, or perhaps if you're lucky enough to have a firepit, some weenie and marshmallow roasts.
But very unlike all other years, we have not heard even a single firecracker go off in our neighborhood. Although those with pets are happy, we are missing even the annoying pop-pop sound of amateur fireworks, sparklers and firecrackers going off into the night as we attempt to sleep. For days before. Tonight I would welcome the sound.
As for us, we are content to be in our air conditioned house in this hot and humid day. Doing whatever we choose to do. For me, that means a luxurious day of cross-stitching. For hubby, a nice afternoon nap. Something on the grill for dinner. Ice cream topped with fresh strawberries.
Happy Independence Day to you, whatever your day brings!🎇
As always, thanks for reading and allowing me to share my random thoughts.