But the twins I speak of here are my sisters. Formally, Edith and Judith. To us, Edie and Judy.

Like many twins, they were competitive as they were growing up. Vying for each others' friends and their own popularity, they would sometimes deny that they were twins; and if it could be believed, even sisters.
Edie was outgoing and assertive; Judy introverted and passive. Edie, the leader. Judy, the follower.

My mother says by the time they got Judy settled and got a smile out of her, Edie got bored and quit smiling. Guess you can't win.
But you should see them today.
Bonded like glue. Joined at the hip. Sharing the same heart and spirit. Sharing love as I think only twins can. It is really amazing and touching to see.
Judy has had many health problems over the past year. Colon resections, blood clots, the loss of a foot and leg below the kneecap. Colonoscopies, dilations of the colon, blood thinners, blood tests, mesh inserted in her neck to filter the blood, physical therapy, prosthetic fittings, wheelchairs and walkers.
Edie has been with her every step of the way.
A registered nurse, living in Ohio, she has been by Judy's side, taking family medical leave without pay, taking a second job to pay for airline tickets. Holding Judy's hand; making her laugh like nobody else can. She is Judy's best medicine and most effective therapy.
Edie arrived home today, in time for Judy's colon repair and colostomy surgery tomorrow. She is with her now, keeping her upbeat, not allowing her to feel discouraged or frightened. Playing Scrabble; telling jokes and funny stories.
Of course, we are all praying for a successful outcome for Judy. And as we pray our petition, we add a prayer of thanks that Edie is home. Judy will be okay because Edie is here.
My twin sisters. Love, strength and blessings to both.