Preferably with him gone fishing. Or at least, with the house to myself.
Well, here I am. And not by choice.
George is headed 90 miles down the road to New Prague (Minnesota) for their annual Dožínky festival. Dožínky is Czech for harvest, and it is a lively festival with Czech singers and dancers, Czech food, pivo (beer), and plenty of friends and family from his hometown.
We usually go together, but I've been looking for a weekend day to go to Minnetonka, about an hour's drive, to Stitchville for fabric and beads for my newest project, African Women With Quilts.

Then a little pre-Christmas shopping at the Country Store. After that, destination West St. Paul for my great-granddaughter Alexis's fourth birthday party. She has been telling me all about the plans for her party, complete with a Dora Princess theme and a piñata.
Somehow, in the middle of the night, gremlins sneaked into my bed and scratched at my throat. So I woke up with a sore throat and what feels like a golf ball when I try to swallow.
Looks like I got my wish for a quiet day. Minnetonka will have to wait. If I am really lucky, with some rest and chicken soup, the situation won't get worse, and I can take in the birthday party, at least for a little while, with no hugs or kisses to spread my germs.
So where have I heard the expression, "Be careful what you wish for?"