E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, voicemail. All have made this possible and we have instant communication. From official notices, to electronic bills, to one-line messages from someone we haven't heard from in years: all come to us with a mouse-click or pressing a "send" button.
Does anyone besides me miss snail mail?
Not the "occupant" variety. Heaven knows, I get plenty of those. They fill my recycle bin to overflowing.
I'm talking about opening your mailbox and delighting in finding a hand-written envelope with your name written on it, bearing news from a loved one, inside a card or letter.

Sure, we both use e-mail. We're both on Facebook.
But once in awhile, we sit down and compose, using pen and paper, a real letter. Writing is different somehow with a pen and paper than with a keyboard. It's a more thoughtful and personal process.
Today, being a calmer day than earlier in the week, I'm writing to Hanne.
I could say the same thing in an email. Post it on Facebook. But it is not the same.
Try it sometime. Sending and receiving. Pure delight.