It was no different when my husband and I stayed in Tucson for a month last winter. I fell in love with all forms of southwestern art: Navajo rugs, Mata Ortiz pottery, turquoise jewelry, Native American designs and colors - and the storyteller. We saw story teller dolls for sale at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, but they were way too expensive for my meager retirement funds.
So when I found this cross stitch pattern at The Busy Needle in Tucson, I was thrilled.

Now at least I could stitch the storyteller, and get many hours of enjoyment. Cool!
So I started it a couple days ago. Starting is always the hard part as you need to carefully measure and center and then I stitch it onto a frame to keep it taut. I never use hoops.
So here is what it looks like now. You know what I'll be doing in my spare between knitting and reading!