You know the saying about one’s outlook on life: Do you see the glass half empty or is the glass half full? This supposedly determines whether you’re a pessimist (half empty) or an optimist (half full).
I find it a good way to check myself once in awhile when I’m feeling negative. Counting my blessings is another way to lift myself from the doldrums, but envisioning a glass partially filled with some kind of liquid and asking myself what I see there is pretty effective for me.
Here’s another one. What do you see here?
But maybe you see another sign of spring; a beautiful yellow and green palette. Signs of growth and fertile ground. Another way of looking at the same picture.
Remember your delight in doing this? From the same field comes wonder and pleasure as children (well, maybe me too) blow the dandelion seeds from the plant. So maybe all is not as it seems and a patch of dandelions can be both an eyesore and a field of yellow beauty. And how can they be useless when they provide children with such pleasurable moments?
So, like the glass, it’s a matter of perception. Empty or full? It is, I think, often a matter of choice. And it’s all yours. Nobody else will see the glass, or the dandelion field, the same way.
The half-full, half-empty glass also provides an opportunity for problem solving and managing life, writes Claes Jonasson. There is more than one way to solve a problem or face a dilemma. My interpretation may not be accurate or useful and it may not have to be this way or that way. (
See what I mean?
As always, thanks for visiting and listening to my ramblings.